读后续写基本以记叙文为主,记叙文是以记人叙事为主要内容,以叙述为主要表达方式来反映丰富多彩的现实生活的一种文体。环境描写是记叙文的要素之一,指对人物所处的具体的社会环境和自然环境的描写。其中,社会环境是指能反映社会、时代特征的建筑、场所、陈设等景物以及民俗民风等。自然环境是指自然界的景物,如季节变化、风霜雨雪、山川湖海、森林原野等。我们今天来看看英语名著是怎么描写动作、情绪和环境。动作描写He looked at me very gravely, and
Para. 1Today’s teens drive less — just 25 percent of 16-year-olds in 2020 had a license, as compared with 50 percent in 1983 — and work less, with the share of teens participating in the labor force having declined 17 percentage points since 2000. In
Researchers have been investigating the benefits and harms of drinking coffee, especially as they relate to the gut, since the 1970s, said Kim Barrett, a professor of physiology and membrane biology at the University of California, Davis School of Me
Back in my corporate days, a coworker once told me about his career goal. It was to one day find a job in which he could finally be himself. That was all that he had wanted. He had no clear income goal. No corner office goal. No Chief Muckety-Muck go
Apps play tricks on you to turn an activity into a habit.Snapchat and Wordle encourage repeat use with “streaks,” or bragging rights for how many consecutive days you’ve used the apps.You might feel motivated to take a walk to close your Apple Watch’
You’ve wanted to join a gym for ages, but the thought of being the new kid on the strength blocks makes your palms sweat. You worry everyone will be sporting six packs, lifting heavy weights and sharing high fives — not to mention watching and judgin