Day 12 阅读范围 (Part 1: Chapter 23 & Part 2: Chapter 1)
1. Nemo takes Arronax to see one of the sailors, who has a terrible wound on his head. Arronax tends to it, then asks Nemo how the sailor was wounded. Why does Nemo dodge the question?
2. Why does Arronax have developed a burning curiosity about the source of Nemo’s resentment toward human civilization?
1. My answer had evidently satisfied the captain. But not knowing what he would say next, I waited for other questions, reserving my answers according to circumstances.
2. At this moment nothing is clear to me; I catch but a glimpse of light amid all the darkness, and I must confine myself to writing as events shall dictate.
Further reading to help you develop your understanding of these two chapters:
The fact that there are actually phosphorescent animals in the ocean emphasizes the congruity between the electric Nautilus and the surrounding landscape. At the same time, it is significant that the submarine’s own electricity needs to fail in order for the enchanting extent of the surrounding marine life to be revealed, perhaps suggesting that technology can sometimes impede one’s appreciation of the natural world rather than enhance it.
Another question that the novel invites the reader to consider is whether Arronax behaves selfishly in not trying harder to free himself and the two other captives. As he points out here, the only reason why he can bear his state of imprisonment is because, strangely, it involves performing the pursuit that he loves most in the world. Yet the same is not true for Conseil and Ned, and Arronax arguably does not give enough consideration to this fact.