

英语美文 A Special Letter 一封特殊的信

Dear World:亲爱的世界:My son starts school today.我的儿子今天就要开始上学读书了。It's going to be strange and new to him for a while, and I wish you would sort of treat him gently.一时之间,他会感觉陌生而又新鲜。我希望你能待他温柔一些。You see, up to now, he's been king of the roost.你明白,到现在

高一是坎, 高二是坡, 高三是峰, 熬不过去毁前程! 【附各年级详细成长攻略】



Playing on the phone for half an hour a day, and reading a book for half an hour a day, will definitely make you gain a different life.  That's because playing on the mobile phone is constantly consuming yourself,while reading is gradually i

Brown bag不是“棕色的袋子”,喝过星巴克的人都知道

“自带午饭”的英文要怎么说呢?take lunch to work??其实“自带午餐”(尤指上班族和学生),英文中有一个简单、地道的表达:▶ brown-bag or brown bag “emm?这……棕色的袋子?” 不错,但因为在美国,人们习惯用棕色的牛皮纸袋打包食物:像我们去星巴克买咖啡,选择外带时,咖啡师都会用brown bag打包(当然现在很多店都是棕色纸袋打包了)图片;上班族们自带午餐(一般是沙拉、三明治等快餐),也会用到brown bag。所以,brown ba

【外刊阅读】Tokyo Olympics Opening Was Depressing as Hell

Bashful bombast performed for a crowd of no one. The superspreader Olympics that no one wants debuted to an empty stadium on Friday morning. What are we even doing here?The fireworks went off. But to what end?Is it even prudent, at this point, to lis

英语文摘悦读:Summer Fun with Family Expressions

In the summer months, we often get together with our family members who live far away. If you listen in as people talk with and about their families, you might hear some interesting expressions.Like many idioms, it is often difficult to understand th
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