

外刊精读 | 如何让自己的新年计划不流于形式

[1]. If you're determined to make meaningful change, these suggestions can help.如果你决心做出有意义的改变,这些建议可能会有所帮助。①Cognitive and behavioral strategies can help you make the most of your New Year's resolutions.②Personalizing your rationale f


答案汇总:传统阅读1-3 BDC4-7 DBCD8-11 CDBA12-15 DAAB7选5阅读16-20 GCDEF完形填空21-25 DADCB26-30 CBABB31-35 CDDAC语法填空36. emphasis37. fighting38. a39. when40. to41. named42. finally43. has spread44. was45. that/wh

美文阅读 Fire and Nice(适合作为救援类或邻里互助的补充材料)

01文章导读邻里发生的一场大火,邻居紧急通知“我们”。火势虽然庞大造成一定的损失,但最终被消防队扑灭,也没有造成人员伤亡。邻居的家成为安全避难所,社区在危机中团结一致。邻里共同努力,展现出在灾难中人们团结互助的美好一面。02Fire and NiceWhy was our neighbor from across the street frantically pounding on our front door at night? She was screaming

中国传统文化:语法填空5 指南针的演变

The advent of the compass was a great 1._________(contribute)of the Chinese people to world civilisation. The compass is a simple instrument 2.________(consist) of a magnetic needle that can be turned 3._________(flexible) and a compass with a scale

中国传统文化:语法填空4 蔡伦与造纸术

 Cai Lun was born to a poor family in Guiyang, China, during the Eastern Han dynasty around 50 AD. He was a smart and 1._________ (ambition) man. He became a clerical official in a palace at 2.________ young age and was much trusted by the emper

中国传统文化:语法填空3 毕昇与活字印刷术

Every 1._________(educate) Chinese knows the name of Bi Sheng, 2.________ invented movable-type printing, one of the four important inventions that ancient China contributed to world civilization. Bi Sheng lived in Bianliang (today's Kaifeng City
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