Descartes... he wanted to clear all the rubble off the siteAlberto stood up, took off the red cloak, and laid it over a chair. Then he settled himself once again in the corner of the sofa."Rene Descartes was born in 1596 and lived in a number o
The Baroquesuch stuff as dreams are made onSophie heard nothing more from Alberto for several days, but she glanced frequently into the garden hoping to catch sight of Hermes. She told her mother that the dog had found its own way home and that she
The RenaissanceO divine lineage in mortal guiseIt was just twelve when Sophie reached Joanna's front gate, out of breath with running. Joanna was standing in the front yard outside her family's yellow house."You've been gone for fi
The Middle Ages... going only part of the way is not the same as going the wrong wayA week passed without Sophie hearing from Alberto Knox. There were no more postcards from Lebanon either, although she and Joanna still talked about the cards they f
Two Cultures... the only way to avoid floating in a vacuum It won't be long now before we meet, my dear Sophie. I thought you would return to the major's cabin--that's why I left all the cards from Hilde's father there. That was the
The PostcardsI'm imposing a severe censorship on myselfSeveral days went by without any word from the philosophy teacher. Tomorrow was Thursday, May 17-- Norway's national day. School would be closed on the 18th as well. As they walked home