

读后续写| 110个亮点动词+例句(一)

1.stroke抚摩   He stroked her hair affectionately.他深情地抚摩着她的头发?2.scratch 用指甲挠抓  John yawned and scratched his chin.约翰打个哈欠,挠挠下巴。3.cup 使(双手)成圆状托起   She held the bird gently in cupped hands. 她双手轻轻地捧着那只小4.dip把手伸进(...里取东西) 

Why Is Swearing So Much Fun?

Swearing can be so satisfying that it can help us withstand pain. It can shock, offend and entertain. It can release tension or increase it. It can foster intimacy.What’s swearing’s secret? How do four-letter words move us in all the ways they do?All


2023年10月份各地模拟语法填空精选汇编1. 浙南名校联盟第一次联考Delicate strokes, carved onto wood, with ultimate precision. This is woodblock printing, __56___ ancient printing technique that has promoted human civilization.Certain people are believed__ 57__ (bring) Buddhi


2023年10月份各地模拟七选五精选汇编1Nowadays, for many people, buying a house or flat is just too expensive. However, the total amount of rent paid by tenants Britain in 2017 rose to more than £50 billion-more than double the level of ten years prior. Consequently,


书面表达作为高考主观题中一项重要的语言输出项目,主要考查学生实际运用语言的能力,它要求考生根据设计者所控制的体裁、题材、信息、篇章等要求,在限定的时间内写成有字数要求的文章,如80字的应用文或120字的读后续写。低分原因分析汉语思维或中式表达受母语思维影响,学生容易写出中式英语的表达,这些表达往往因无法达到交际目的而被扣分。请看学生写的一段便条:This morning at 8 o’clock I came to Great Wall Hotel to inform you to listen


王蔷教授等人(2023)[1]研究分析(2005—2022)17年来我国中小学英语教育研究的发展趋势与特点,主要体现在以下两个方面。    一是研究主题众多,发展趋势不一。研究主题以教学方式和方法为主,学科育人导向更为突出;教材、测评和教师发展的研究逐渐发展,为推动中小学英语教育提供一定支持。    二是紧跟时代步伐,注重理论引领。整体看来,17年来的我国中小学英语教育研究呈现出实践性强、理论引领、紧跟课程改革步伐的特点,为实施新一轮课程改革打下坚实基础。
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