


网络转载。这是一部童话故事书,但是却不同于我读过的任何一个童话故事。原因是作者的身份太过特别:她是一个美国华裔,自幼不喜中国文化,却在智慧的妈妈的引导下阅读了大量的中国古代传说和故事,而渐渐对中国文化有了更多的认同感,最终写成了这样一部特别的童话故事书。刚刚开始阅读的时候便有深深的困惑,故事里的各种描写太“中国”了,the old man of the Moon,the book of the Fortune,。。。各样熟悉的中国元素出现在一部英文故事书中,难道作者是中文为母语的人吗?读来又觉得

一起读原著:Where the Mountain Meets the Moon 月夜仙踪 Chapter 47&48 阅读任务

问题Why has the Fruitless Mountain turned green?Now, what kind of life did the villagers lead?There are lots of children in Minli’s home, why?翻译The wind softly caressed the newborn greenery with a nurturing breeze and skimmed the Jade River, the water

一起读原著:Where the Mountain Meets the Moon 月夜仙踪 Chapter 45&46 阅读任务

问题Why did Minli think that she had made the right decision?When they went by the Village of Moon Rain, what did Amah shout?Why did the dragon act out of the ordinary?翻译A stinging wind blew in a silver mist and the cold rock was hard and unyielding. S

一起读原著:Where the Mountain Meets the Moon 月夜仙踪 Chapter 43&44 阅读任务

问题According to chapter 43, what question did Minli ask?Why was Ba slightly surprised?After reading the story told by Ma, what do you learn from it?翻译But she could see his delicate, wrinkled hands, skillfully tying the figures in his lap together with

一起读原著:Where the Mountain Meets the Moon 月夜仙踪 Chapter 41&42 阅读任务

问题Why didn’t the dragon see the Old Man of the Moon?After seeing a round opening in the wall just before Minli, who is waiting for her?Why did Wu Kang keep cutting the tree?翻译With the attached bamboo stakes, Minli and the dragon had anchored their en

一起读原著:Where the Mountain Meets the Moon 月夜仙踪 Chapter 39&40 阅读任务

问题According to chapter39, what did the string turn into?Why did the dragon and the Queen Mother agree to give up the pearl?There are some changes in Ma. Please say something about it.翻译“It is a string of destiny,” Dragon said, as he tried again witho

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