

The Ex-Footballer

The Ex-Footballer  Written by Sevim AkI eventually managed to persuade my parents to buy me a new football shirt for the    school matches. My old shirt had worn out and made me depressed every time I put it on.     

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge

by Ambrose BierceSet during the American Civil War, "An Occurrence at Owl Creek" is Bierce's most famous short story. It was first published in the San Francisco Examiner in 1890. It then appeared in Bierce'

荒野 Into the wild

英语图书中有一个很流行的分类:背包客文学(backpacking novels),内容大多与旅行和户外探险有关,比如比尔·布莱森的《林中漫步》(A walk in the woods)以及谢丽尔·史翠德的《走出荒野》(Wild),今天要介绍的图书Into the wild也属于这一类型。这本书讲了这样一个故事:1992年人们在阿拉斯加荒野一辆废弃的大巴上发现了一具尸体,事后调查发现死者是一名叫Christopher McCandless的年轻人。他出身于美国弗吉尼亚州一户富裕家庭,受过良好教育,


1. ‘The Gift of the Magi’.This is surely O. Henry’s best-known story of all. Published in 1906, it’s about a husband and wife, Jim and Della, buying Christmas presents for each other, without much money to spend on them. 2. ‘Mammon and the Arche


听说小伙伴书荒了,今天小编为大家奉上十本简单易读的英文原著,这些小故事生动有趣,用词简单,非常适合入门级读者。如果你还没看过,不如从今天开始读起吧。- 1 -Charlotte’s Web《夏洛的网》E.B. White E.B.怀特This is a lovely novel that all age groups can understand. Aimed at native English speaking children, there are many adults who still

海底两万里 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea 导读 Day 23(完结)

Day 23 阅读范围 (Part 2: Chapter 22 & Chapter 23)问题1. Why is Arronax horrified by Nemo’s act of vengeance?2. What’s the main idea of the last chapter?翻译1. I reached the platform, on which I could with difficulty support myself against the shock of th
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