


哈喽,宝子们,期待已久的CD篇阅读满分技巧来咯!    记住,词汇量不达标阅读理解可以拿满分都是骗人的!词汇量不达标阅读理解可以拿满分是骗人的!(重要的事情说两遍!!!)    高中英语阅读理解C、D篇丢分率是比较高的,正如前面几篇文章所说,词汇是学习英语的基础。词汇达标以后,阅读量也要在平日的学习中跟上哦,因为C、D篇通常是科学类说明文,一定会有不少生词。自然、科学类文章的阅读,对解答这两篇阅读理解一定是有帮助的。    话不多说,我


Ⅰ 外刊输入——悟语言之道Wildlife Teaches LessonIt was March 9, the day after my 17th birthday, when I met Pigeon on my way back to my neighbourhood. Being the same as most other afternoons, nothing was unusual. My friends and I walked down the street, maki


 外刊输入——悟语言之道Growing from TravelSept. 27 is World Tourism Day. Of course, travel isn't a new discovery. Imagine how Italian traveler Marco Polo must have felt when he found himself on Chinese soil, seeing a way of life extremely dif


Ⅰ 外刊输入——悟语言之道All Over the WorldThe vast Amazon Rainforest, the Italian city of Venice and a Mediterranean diet of fresh fruit and vegetables...What do these three things have in common? They are all items of world heritage.World heritage means t

读后续写微讲座:利用主题语境 快速归纳主题

外刊输入——悟语言之道Same Festival, Different StylesChristmas is the biggest holiday of the year in many countries including the US and the UK. Decorating Christmas trees, giving gifts and singing Christmas songs are just a few of the traditional features


Ⅰ 外刊输入——悟语言之道Mornings on the InternetKarl and Dorsey Gude of Michigan can remember simpler mornings. They sat together chatting as they ate breakfast. They read the newspaper, made fun of each other and competed only with the televisio
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