

读后续写微技能 — 让你的身体部位“动”起来

读后续写微技能— 让你的身体部位“动”起来要增添"读后续写"的表达效果,让学生写出内容具体的续写,须有一定词汇量的积累,特别要注意避免使用泛泛而谈的上义词,应该多使用具体的下义词使表达更加准确到位。1head1. He hung/dropped/lowered/bent/bowed his head in shame.他羞愧地低下了头。2. They nodded their heads in agreement. 

读后续写素材库之环境描写系列(5)The Description of Noon and Sun

读后续写素材库之环境描写系列(5)The Description of Noon and Sun5-1 The sun was at it’s highest, like avicious unblinkingyellow eye stares down at me from the cloudless sky. The heatbeat downonmy head like I wasbacon under the grill. I could almost smell myself cook

读后续写素材库之环境描写系列(4) The Description of Dawn and Morning

读后续写素材库之环境描写系列(4) The Description of Dawn and Morning4-1Dawn sentshimmeringraysover theplacidocean, bestowing a golden path from the shore to thehorizon.译文:黎明在平静的海面上放射出出闪闪发亮的光线,留下一条从海岸到地平线横亘而过的金色道路。亮点词汇shimmering发出微弱的闪光; 闪烁; shimmer的现在分词rays光线;&

读后续写素材库之环境描写系列(3) Night and Moon

读后续写素材库之环境描写系列(3)Night and Moon技法讲解:融情于景——如何在环境中融入人物的内心状态仔细阅读3-1和3-2,思考:1)同样是描写月,两者表现的情绪有什么不同之处?2)这种环境氛围的差别是怎么做到的?(详细讲解在3-2后)•3-1 The moon appearedmomentarily, herdiskwas blood-red andhalf-overcast:she seemed tothrowme abewildered,drearyglance ,andbu


读后续写素材库之环境描写系列(2)Rain2.1 Kissed by the rain and glistening, the wet ground is cold under foot. Stepping off the path and into the shaggy grass I feel the squelch of the mudbeneath. The water rises up and runs between my toes. The

读后续写素材库之环境描写系列(1) Snow

读后续写素材库之环境描写系列(1) Snow1-1 The street glistened with fresh snow and the sky was a blameless blue. Snow blanketed every rooftop and weighed on the branches of the stunted mulberry trees that lined
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