

苏菲的世界 Sophies World 自然派哲学家 The Natural Philosophers

The Natural Philosophers nothing can come from nothing When her mother got home from work that afternoon Sophie was sitting in the glider, pondering the possible connection between the philosophy course and Hilde Moller Knag, who would not be getti

苏菲的世界 Sophies World 神话 The Myths

The Myths... a precarious balance between the forces of good and evil There was no letter for Sophie the next morning. All through the interminable day at school she was bored stiff. She took care to be extra nice to Joanna during the breaks. On the

苏菲的世界 Sophies World 魔术师的礼帽 The Top Hat

The Top Hat the only thing we require to be good philosophers is the faculty of wonder...Sophie was sure she would hear from the anonymous letter writer again. She decided not to tell anyone about the letters for the time being.At school she had tro

苏菲的世界 Sophies World 伊甸园 THE GARDEN OF EDEN

THE GARDEN OF EDEN at some point something must have come from nothing  Sophie Amundsen was on her way home from school. She had walked the first part of the way with Joanna. They had been discussing robots. Joanna thought the human brain was


The next day was foggy. Everything on the farm was dripping wet. The grass looked like a magic carpet. The asparagus patch looked like a silver forest.第二天起雾了。农场里的一切都被雾水打湿了。草地看起来像有魔力的地毯。龙须菜地看起来则像一片银色的森林。On foggy mornings, Charlotte's web was truly


Day after day the spider waited, head-down, for an idea to come to her. Hour by hour she sat motionless, deep in thought. Having promised Wilbur that she would save his life, she was determined to keep her promise.为了想出一个主意,这只蜘蛛在网上倒悬了一天又一天。她就那么一连数小时静静
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