Chapter 4Jonas rode at a leisurely pace, glancing at the bike ports beside the buildings to see if he could spot Asher's. He didn't often do his volunteer hours with his friend because Asher frequently fooled around and made serious work a li
Chapter 3"Oh, look!" Lily squealed in delight. "Isn't he cute? Look how tiny he is! And he has funny eyes like yours, Jonas!" Jonas glared at her. He didn't like it that she had mentioned his eyes. He waited for his father
Chapter 2Jonas watched as his father poured a fresh cup of coffee. He waited."You know," his father finally said, "every December was exciting to me when I was young. And it has been for you and Lily, too, I'm sure. Each December b
Chapter 1It was almost December, and Jonas was beginning to be frightened. No. Wrong word, Jonas thought. Frightened meant that deep, sickening feeling of something terrible about to happen. Frightened was the way he had felt a year ago when an unide
美国中小学最重要的两门课是语言和数学,如想获得语言考试的好成绩,必须有很强的阅读能力。如果阅读跟不上,语言考试是很难过关的。因此,美国中小学特别重视对学生进行阅读训练。 他们的语言课主要是阅读,分精读和泛读。精读课有些像我们的语文课,而泛读课学生有较大自由,没有统一的课本,通常由老师提出一个书单,供学生选读,有时也指定若干本书为必读。下面是美国中学规定阅读的十大经典英文小说,给大家作为参考。《杀死一只知更鸟》To Kill a Mockingbird爱与真知的成长经典Harper Lee'