点击以下蓝色标题即可收听阅读Day01~Day10Day01 | Darkest HourDay02 | Darkest HourDay03 | Darkest HourDay04 | Darkest HourDay05 | Darkest HourDay06 | Darkest HourDay07 | Darkest HourDay08 | Darkest HourDay09 | Darkest HourDay10 | Darkest HourDay11~Day20Day11 | Darkes
点击以下蓝色标题即可收听阅读Day01~Day10Day01 | Charlie and the Chocolate FactoryDay02 | Charlie and the Chocolate FactoryDay03 | Charlie and the Chocolate FactoryDay04 | Charlie and the Chocolate FactoryDay05 | Charlie and the Chocolate FactoryDay06 | Charlie and
NO.1 | The lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (C.S. Lewis) 《狮子,女巫和衣橱》小孩子看到的是奇怪又生动的故事;大人们看到的是从冒险经历中的传奇和神话的秘NO.2 | The Old Man and the Sea (Ernest Hemingway) 《老人与海》这虽然是一个故事简单、篇幅不大的作品,但含义丰富,很多教师把它作为英雄主义教育的教材,推荐给广大学生,使之成为经久不衰的畅销书。NO.3 | 
阅读吧,同学2018-08-08 10:10:30
Five Faiths of Newton — "The Greatest Scientist In History""人类历史上最伟大的科学家"牛顿的五则信条 Patiently Think"If I have done the public any service, it is due to my patient thought." We don’t spend enough time patiently thinking! Albert Einstein
《我不是药神》剧情耐人寻味,人物形象刻画深入,台词震撼人心。今天和大家分享《我不是药神》这部电影中6个经典的中英文台词,看到第一句就泪奔,看完不哭算我输!There is only one disease in the world, that is, poverty.世界上只有一种病,就是穷病。这句是从卖假药的江湖骗子张长林口中讲出的一句话,看完这句,瞬间就泪崩了。He's only 20 years old. He's just trying to live, and what