

by word of mouth 口碑

当你看到一家巷弄里面的小餐厅,看起来不太起眼客人却大排长龙,或许你就可以用by word of mouth来解释为什么这家餐厅大受欢迎。word of mouth就是口碑, by word of mouth就是靠着人们的口耳相传建立起来的口碑。This restaurant got popular by word of mouth. 这家餐厅靠着口碑走红。by word of mouth这个用语可以类似于形容词的用法,像是by word of mouth marketing口碑式营销。还有by


Don't get entangled in the past, because it has passed.Try to keep on good terms with reality, because you have to live on.When suffering,learn to release yourself.When shedding tears,learn to taste them brightly.Only when you are exposed to wind

snake 蛇在西方文化中的含义

一般人对于蛇都有一种负面的印象,西方人也经常用snake来形容他们不喜欢的人。当你听到有人用snake来比喻一个人,你必须知道这通常不是什么好事。例如 Stay away from Brian because he's a snake. 不要接近Brain,他是一个狡猾的人。snake可以用来比喻一个人善于欺骗非常诡诈心怀恶意。Sylvia used to be a snake, but now she's changed.   Sylvia以前的人品不佳,但

为什么要读书?Why do we read books?

Why do we read books?Because books can take us where our eyes cannot see;because books can cast light upon the things that we can't figure out; because books can answer all the questions we cannot deal with from our own life experience;because bo


Life needs to be zeroed.After a period of time, you have to clear the past and let yourself start again.Don't let the past become a burden to your present,for you can go farther when you pack lightly.The human mind is like a container, and there


Whether you are happy or not mainly depends on your mood, and whether you are in a good mood or not largely depends on your state.The best state of every day is: let it be and feel at ease.Be a sunny person, maintain a healthy mentality,keep a health
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