这次考试的素材选自Diane E. Hall撰写的“The Dolphin Mystery”一文。给出文本的故事为:志愿者Hilda在海洋公园工作时,发现海豚 Maya 从水池中找到物品并交给她,但其中包括一个糖果包装纸,训练员Katherine告诉Hilda要更加小心。Hilda决定侦查此事,继而发现了Maya的“小秘密”……
所有的故事要想发展和延续,就一定有矛盾发生,这样才能有最基本的“起因—经过—结果”的完整流程(只让你续写两段,就不要想着搞“起—承—转、转、转—合”多几个跌宕起伏的桥段了,平稳过渡,完成故事才是上策)。而这个故事中的人物有三个:Hilda,Katherine和海豚Maya。不要轻视这个海豚哦,因为是海豚联系起了两个人物,表面上Katherine因为Hilda没有发现糖纸略有责怪(矛盾点),但实际上这个问题可能就是海豚Maya制造的哦~而海豚又是高智慧的生物,所以往它的“小心思”上想一想吧,你应该就有了方向了。 但是!今天咱们要说的可不是你想得那么简单,续写写什么,怎么分析怎么写,肯定是大多数人关注的点,咱们今天要站得高一点,看得远一点,从宏观一点的角度来总结一下读后续写的主题。 首先看一下这些年我们高考考过的读后续写(含关键的适应性考试): 从表格我们不难看出,2020年之前,浙江的读后续写选材主题主要以“人与自然”为主,2021年—2022年主要以“人与自我”为主,2023年开始,选材的天平貌似又开始向“人与自然”倾斜~~(免责声明:个人瞎想,与专家意见无关,如有雷同,纯属雷同!)不过方向也是有所变化的,你看哈,最开始总是“迷路”之类的情节,然后开始各种“奇遇”,不是被狼攻击就是北极熊遭遇战,这几年则是救一些小到松鼠甚至蜜蜂之类的小动物了,可见人类与自然的关系走向和谐相处(趋势?)。 既然这样,那咱就叨叨一下“人与自然”那点儿事儿吧!!(提示,慢慢看,文末有赠送的彩蛋福利!) 再提示:以下内容涉及“人与自然”主题下“人与动物”话题中可能出现的几!乎!所!有!的动物、人与动物的关系、可能发生的故事以及可以升华的中心方向(我可真是好不容易划拉到一堆儿的),请收藏保存,妥善利用! 彩蛋福利来喽~~~ 本次考试读后续写的原版素材中的后续情节: 原来Maya在和Hilda进行一场“比赛”,因为每次Hilda找到水池中的物品(Hilda的工作),Maya就会失去一次得到奖励的机会(来自Katherine的鱼),因此Maya找到了一个隐藏物品的地方。最终Katherine明白了这一切。二人都认为Maya非常聪明,Hilda宣布Maya获胜,并奖励给它桶里所有的鱼。 “This is Maya’s secret stash,” proclaimed Hallie(试题中是Hilda)with a big grin. “Something strange had been going on. You didn’t think I was doing a good job, but I knew I was. I decided to spy on Maya. When you got out of the tank, she swam over to the filter box. I jumped back in to check it out. This is the stuff I found.” From the look on Kathy’s(试题中是Katherine)face, Hallie knew everything was beginning to make sense. “Do you remember the other day you said that Maya really liked her treats?” asked Kathy. “Well, I think this was more than a training exercise for Maya. I think it was a contest and you were her opponent. Every time you found something in the tank, that meant one less fish for Maya. She couldn’t bring all the items to me at once, so she found a hiding place for them. That way you came up empty-handed, but Maya would always get her treat.” “Okay, Maya,” said Hallie facing the dolphin, “you win! The treats are all yours.” Maya dove to the bottom of the tank, then leapt out of the water, turning a somersault in midair. Hallie and Kathy stood there staring. Maya was smart, but had she actually understood what Hallie said? They turned and looked at each other and burst out laughing. Shaking their heads in disbelief, they reached for the bucket of fish. Maya deserved the treat. 你看,这海豚藏东西竟然是为了“争宠”!真是条“心机豚”吖!