

"I'm a little shy"可不是“我有点害羞”,理解错了就闹笑话了!

我们都知道shy是害羞的意思。但是:I'm a little shy≠我有点害羞!《老友记》有一集是6个人打牌Ross加注的时候发现钱不够了说了一句:Joey, I'm a little shy. 结果,Joey傻乎乎地说:没事Ross,有啥好害羞的,跟我说。图片其实Ross是想跟他借钱!!!求Ross的心理阴影面积啊!!!还好旁边有个明白人Chandler掏出钱包,问他需要多少,才治愈了这个尴尬癌!图片shy=缺乏的,不足的I'm a little shy.=

“have a beef”才不是“吃牛肉”呢!理解错就糟糕了!

have a beef with someone今天要和大家分享的口语表达是:have a beef with someone.这个口语表达可不是“和某人一起吃牛肉”的意思哦。beef表示“牛肉”的时候是不可数名词,在这里作可数名词用,是“抱怨、牢骚、不满”的意思。have a beef with someone 这个口语表达的意思就是:“与某人吵架,与某人起争执,与某人发生矛盾”。I blew it. I had a beef with my boss today.我搞砸了,我今天和老板吵了一


It's acceptable that you live a life on the go,but don't make it in a blind panic.Your life can be leisured but never be idle. When you are busy, do everything you have to do well. In your free time, you can also find ways to improve yourself

have butterflies in your stomach

很多人在上台表演之前都会很紧张。英语中有一句特别的用语来形容这种感觉,那就是have butterflies in our stomach肚子里好像有蝴蝶,意思就是好像有东西在肚子里翻腾,严重时还会呕吐。 I have butterflies in my stomach before I sing on stage.我在上台唱歌之前都会感到很紧张。至于为什么要用蝴蝶来形容紧张,其实没什么特别的原因,have butterflies in your stomach只是用来形容紧张时肚子里

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Success only happens to a small percentage of people.Not everyone can succeed in the world.The best state of a person is growth, not success;the most essential thing for a person is constantly growing, not just success in a period. Growth is always m


What makes life wonderful is not the once-in-a-lifetime surprise, but the touch of a meal after meal in our ordinary days.Let's say goodbye to rough lifestyles, bid farewell to boring daily habits, find fun in every seemingly ordinary day,get the
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