

海底两万里 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea 导读 Day 4

Day 4 阅读范围 (Part 1: Chapter 7 & Chapter 8)


1. According to Chapter 7, who rescues Arronax?

2. In Chapter 8 of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, who attacks the steward?


1. The darkness was intense. I caught a glimpse of a black mass disappearing in the east, its beacon-lights dying out in the distance.

2. Hardly had the narrow panel closed upon me, when I was enveloped in darkness. My eyes, dazzled with the outer light, could distinguish nothing. I felt my naked feet cling to the rungs of an iron ladder.




Further reading to help you develop your understanding of these two chapters:

Arronax and Conseil’s potential drowning is an immediate reminder of the dangers of the ocean. Indeed, it could be read as an affront to the hubris of those aboard the Abraham Lincoln, who were attempting to assert their control and supremacy over the ocean yet who were starkly reminded that the water (and its mysterious inhabitants) will always have more power than them.

Conseil’s total devotion to Arronax could be read as moving, yet it could also be seen as unrealistic and even sinister. The fact that Conseil would so gladly sacrifice his own life suggests that he has internalized the unequal dynamic between master and servant as necessary and right, even to his own detriment.

This highly sinister turn of events somewhat resembles a scene of alien abduction—expect that instead of being beamed up into space, Arronax is on a vessel at sea. The fact that Arronax doesn’t recognize the language the men are speaking further emphasizes the idea that they are in some sense (either literal or metaphorical) alien to him.



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