

谚语英译300句 21-40

21. 常在河边走,难免不湿鞋 If you often walks by the riverside, you can’t avoid getting your shoes wet. / People will

give in to constant temptation.

22. 车到山前必有路 When the cart gets to the mountains, there will have to be a way through. / Things always work

out in the end.

23. 城门失火,殃及池鱼 When the city gate catches fire, even the fish in the moat are affected. / Innocent

bystanders can be implicated in a bad situation.

24. 撑死胆大的,饿死胆小的 Bold people die of over-eating, whereas timid ones die of starvation. / The bold get

rich, while the timid stay poor.

25. 成者为王,败者为寇 People who succeed are considered kings, people defeated are considered bandits. /

Legitimacy goes to the winner; losers are always in the wrong.

26. 吃得苦中苦,方知甜中甜 Only those who can eat the bitterest of the bitter will appreciate the sweetest of the

sweet. / Only those who have suffered can truly appreciate the good life.

27. 吃亏就是占便宜 Being taken advantage of is actually taking advantage of others/ This reflects the core Chinese

wisdom that smart people are destroyed by the powerful and jealous: play dumb, it will save you bigger

troubles down the road.

28. 丑妇总要见公婆 An ugly bride will sooner or later meet her parents-in-law. / Truth will finally come to light

sooner or later.

29. 初生牛犊不怕虎Anew-borncalf doesn’t evenfear the tiger. / The innocent ornaïve don’t knowenoughto be afraid.

30. 出头的椽子先烂 Rafters thatjut outfrom under the rooftend to rotfirst. / People in the spotlighttend to attract

jealousy or be attacked.

31. 聪明反被聪明误 Cleverness may be taken in by itself. / You can be too smart for your own good.

32. 打狗看主人 Before hitting a dog, you’d better think about its owner. / Before you attack somebody, you’d better

first find out who else you may offend.

33. 大难不死,必有后福 One who survives a great disaster must be destined for good fortune ever after.

34. 旁观者清,当局者迷 Those involved in affairs are often muddled, whereas the onlookers can see clearly. / Sometimes it takes an outsider to see things more clearly.

35. 道高一尺,魔高一丈 Ifthe Buddha rises one foot,the demon rises 10. / Unjustforces always outnumber just ones.

36. 打人莫打脸,骂人休揭短 Don’t slap someone’s face in a fight, and don’t disclose someone’s defects in a quarrel.

/ When arguing with somebody, be a gentleman and don’t make the other person lose face.

37. 大丈夫能屈能伸 A great man can bend as well as extend. / A great man can deal with humiliation as well as glory.

38. 得道多助,失道寡助 A just cause will obtain great support; an unjust cause will gain little support.

39. 得人滴水之恩,须当涌泉相报 If one receives a water drop of kindness, one should repay with a flowing spring.

/ People should repay several fold kindness that he/she received in times of difficulty.

40. 得人心者得天下,失人心者失天下 Those who gained people’s hearts gain the world; those who lose people’s

hearts lose the world.



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