中国传统24节气(The Twenty-Four Solar Terms)早已申遗成功,今天我们迎来了一个充满好兆头、象征着万象更新的节气——惊蛰。那么惊蛰的英语表达、 惊蛰三候、英文词汇、习俗、英文视频(可下载)、诗词等该如何说呢?~
The English translation of the 24 solar terms has been controversial from the very beginning, and there are many different versions of the translation of "惊蛰".1911年,加拿大传教士季理斐(Donald MacGillivray,1862—1931)所著的《华英成语合璧字集》(A Mandarin-Romanized Dictionary of Chinese)第一次完整翻译了二十四节气。其中,“惊蛰”被译为Waking of Insects。1912 年,英国外交官、汉学家、剑桥大学汉语教授翟理斯( HerbertAllen Giles, 1845—1935)出版了《华英词典》(A Chinese-English Dictionary),他将“惊蛰”译作Excited Insects。相比于季译强调昆虫苏醒的动作,霍译更加强调苏醒后昆虫的状态。While MacGillivray's translation stresses the action of the insect as it awakens, Giles’s translation places more emphasis on the state of the insects after awakening.3. Awakening from Hibernation1987 年,由诸多天文专家学者组成的中国天文学名词审定委员会出版了第一本科技名词规范《天文学名词》,在这本规范中,从节气名称的本义出发,专家们提出了一套相对独立的译法。例如:考虑到春日苏醒的并非只是“蛰虫”,所有冬眠的动物都在此列,于是将“惊蛰”重译为Awakening from Hibernation。For example, considering that it is not only the "insects" that awaken in spring, but all hibernating animals as well, the word "惊蛰" was retranslated as “Awakening from Hibernation”.2016年,中国申报的二十四节气正式列入联合国教科文组织人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录。同年,中国日报公布了二十四节气的官方译名,"惊蛰"被译为Awakening of Insects。In 2016, the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has inscribed China's 24 solar terms on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. And China Daily announced the official translation of the 24 solar terms, with "惊蛰" being translated as "Awakening of Insects" .目前,Awakening of Insects是惊蛰常见的英文表达。
old Chinese saying goes 正如中国老话所说
“惊蛰预示着温度上升和降雨增加。作为农历第三个节气,其名字暗含着这样的意思:冬眠的动物在春天的雷声中醒来,大地开始复苏。”"Awakening of Insects signals a rise in temperature and increased rainfall. As the third solar term in the lunar year, its name alludes to the fact that animals sleeping in winter are awakened by spring thunder and that the earth begins to come back to life."“物候”,是指动物、植物、鸟类、天气等随季节变化的周期性自然现象。Phenology is the cyclical natural phenomena of animals, plants, birds, weather, etc. that change with the seasons.惊蛰之日,“桃始华”。“惊蛰”前后,气温回升,春雨润物,经冬的桃枝又生新芽,绽开灼灼桃花。Around the time of the Awakening of Insects, the temperature rises and the spring rains moisten the plants. After a cold winter, the peach branches send forth tender buds and blossom again.仓庚就是黄鹂,黄鹂最早感春阳之气,嘤其鸣,求其友。仓为青,青为清,庚为更新,黄鹂鸟于此时振翅高飞,宛转啁啾,宣告春天己到人间。The oriole is flying high and singing beautifully at this time, announcing that spring has arrived on earth.每年的二、三月,鹰飞返北方,已经不见迹影,只有斑鸠出没,古人以为春天的斑鸠是由秋天的老鹰变化出来的,故作此候。In February and March each year, the eagle flies back to the north and is no longer seen. Only turtledoves are present, and the ancients thought that the spring turtledoves were changed from the autumn eagles, hence the name.在中国古代民间传说中,白虎是一种带来争议和是非的生物,它们在惊蛰期间开始出没狩猎,有时不免会咬人。据说,那些被白虎咬伤的人,将会遭遇对他们带来阻碍和厄运的恶人。According to ancient Chinese folklore, a white tiger is a creature that brings quarrels and disputes. It always begins hunting during the Awakening of Insects, and sometimes bites people. It is said that those bitten by a white tiger will encounter evil villains in their life that bring obstructions and bad luck.所以在惊蛰期间,人们会祭祀白虎以求自保。在践行这一古老习俗时,人们会在纸上画上白虎,然后将猪血和肉涂在白虎的嘴上。这意味着白虎已经被喂饱。所以它不会再咬人了,从而避开厄运和冲突。Therefore people offer sacrifices to the white tiger during the Awakening of Insects to protect themselves. When practicing this old custom, people draw the white tiger on paper and then smear pig's blood and pork on its mouth. This means the tiger is fed so that it would not bite people, avoiding bad luck and conflict.打 "小人 "起源于唐朝(618-907),是流行于广东和香港的一种民间仪式。该习俗在惊蛰期间进行,目的是驱逐 "小人",带来好运。Beating "villains" originated in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) and it's a folk ritual popular in Guangdong and Hong Kong. The custom is practiced during the Awakening of Insects to expel the "villain" and to bring good luck.人们通常指定一个特定的 "神婆"(通常是一位老年妇女)来 "打小人"。他们用人形剪纸代表生活中的 "小人","神婆"会用鞋子或其他工具敲打纸张,以驱除厄运。People often assign a specific "witch" (usually an elderly woman) to "beat the villains". They use paper cut in the shape of humans to represent "villains" in their lives and the "witch" would use shoes or other tools to hit the paper to expel bad luck.惊蛰吃梨是一项在中国广为流传的习俗。因为天气转暖,空气变得更加干了,人们感到口干舌燥,这会造成感冒或咳嗽。而梨子甘甜、多汁、清凉,能起到止咳润肺的效果。因此,在惊蛰期间,应该多吃梨。Eating pears around the Awakening of Insects is a widely-practiced custom in China. As the weather gets warmer and the air becomes dry, people tend to feel their mouths are parched and tongues dry, which can cause colds or coughs. A pear is sweet, juicy and cold, moistening the lungs to arrest a cough. Therefore, pears are highly recommended during the Awakening of Insects.惊蛰前后,动物们都结束了冬眠,鱼儿也一样。它们会从深水区游到浅水区觅食和繁殖。此时正值钓鱼的好时机。钓鱼可以带来身心上的放松,尤其是对居住在城市里的人而言。驱车郊外,于湖边垂钓,沐浴在阳光下,聆听着鸟儿的清唱,芬芳的花朵、浮动的柳枝编织成一个完美的春日周末。Around the Awakening of Insects, hibernating animals wake up, and so do fish. They swim from deep water to shallow water in search of food, mating and bearing young. It is a good time for fishing. Fishing can provide mental and physical relaxation, especially for people living in the city. Driving to the suburbs, fishing in a lake, bathing in the sunlight, enjoying the singing birds, fragrant flowers and waving willows make for a perfect weekend in spring.惊蛰期间,中国的大部分地区经历着最快速的升温,平均温度超过10摄氏度,日照明显增强,这为农耕创造了良好的自然条件。古语云:“过了惊蛰节,春耕不能歇”,讲的就是惊蛰对农民的意义。During this period, most parts of China experience the quickest rise in temperatures, with the average level reaching above 10 degrees Celsius, and there is a marked increase in sunshine, which provides good natural conditions for farming. Old Chinese sayings such as "once the Awakening of Insects comes,spring ploughing never rests" reveal the importance of this term to farmers.现代气象科学表明,惊蛰前后,大地潮湿,地表附近的热空气上升;与此同时,来自北方的湿热空气非常强劲,经常刮风。因此,惊蛰这一时期就会打雷。中国由北向南的纬度范围很广,所以第一声春雷出现在不同地区的时间也不同。Modern meteorological science shows that around the Awakening of Insects, the earth becomes humid and the hot air near the surface rises; meanwhile, the hot humid air from the north is strong and creates frequent winds. For this reason, thunder occurs in this period. China covers a large range of latitudes from north to south, so the first spring thunder appears at different times in different areas.中国有句古话:“未过惊蛰先打雷,四十九天云不开。” 惊蛰往往介于冬末春初之间。惊蛰期间的风也是预测后期天气的一个重要依据。An old Chinese saying goes: "If the first spring thunder crashes before the Awakening of Insects solar term, there will be abnormal weather that year." The Awakening of Insects falls after the end of winter and before the beginning of spring. Wind during this period is an important factor in weather forecasting.儿童莫笑是陈人,湖海春回发兴新。
欲上兰亭却回棹,笑谈终觉愧清真。Children don't laugh. It's Chen people. Hu Haichun returns to Xingxin.The thunder is popular, and it startles the stung households. The world has opened up and the earth has changed to Hongjun.The color of the scale river rises, the stone Dai curls, the willows shake the Aspergillus dust.I want to go to Lanting, but I return. I finally feel guilty and Halal.惊蛰这天,陆游泛舟游湖,春天来了,万物一新,陆游感慨自己虽然年纪大了,却也不想错过这美丽的春日景色。On the day of waking the insects, Lu you went boating and visiting the lake. Spring came and everything was new. Lu You lamented that although he was old, he didn't want to miss the beautiful spring scenery.坤宫半夜一声雷,蛰户花房晓已开。
惟有石龟并木雁,守株不动任春回。"Waking insects and thunder"A thunder in the middle of the night in the Kun palace, stung the flower house, and the dawn has opened.The wild wind blew high, the candles went out, and the electric rain rushed to the window.Suddenly, the plants and trees were in a spirit of farewell. They were naturally urged by the climate of greetings.Only stone turtles and wild geese, keep the plants and let the spring return.春雷阵阵,花儿开放,野阔风高,电明雨急,这就是惊蛰春雷。Spring thunder bursts, flowers bloom, the wild is wide, the wind is high, the electricity is bright and the rain is urgent. This is the spring thunder that awakens the sting.忽忽弄明珠,纷纷拥塞酥。
兴来还兴尽,呵手复须臾。"After waking the insects, the snow visited Xu mengjian, but he didn't meet him and waited for a long time"The bright pearls are suddenly made, and they are crowded and crisp one after another.Forget the spring boss and resume the cold work.Party A arrives late and Fangfei makes an appointment later.I'm glad to come and I'm glad to do it. Oh, my hand is back for a moment.这个惊蛰,很冷,还下雪了,诗人此时去拜访友人,恰好友人不在,诗人在寒冷中等了好久,不得不时常呵手取暖。t was cold and snowy. The poet went to visit his friend at this time. It happened that the friend was not there. The poet had been in the cold for a long time and had to keep his hands warm from time to time.
Tian Guan Jia
Tang Dynasty: Wei Yingwu
Light rain brings new flowers, and a thunder startles the insects.The farmhouse was idle for a few days, and farming began from then on.Ding Zhuang is in the field, and the field garden is reasonable.After returning, the king often Yan and drank the water from the West stream.Hunger is not bitter, but plaster is joy.The goods stored in the warehouse have not been used for corvee.Fang is ashamed of not tilling, and Lu eats out of the Lu.惊蛰,是春耕的开始。俗语说:惊蛰春雷响,农夫闲转忙。惊蛰,是播种希望的时节。Waking insects is the beginning of spring ploughing. As the saying goes: when the spring thunder rings, the farmer turns from idle to busy. Stinging is the season to sow hope.玄鸟雄雌俱,春雷惊蛰余。
禽贤难自彰,幸得主人书。Righteous birds and Zhu PingBlack birds are both male and female, and spring thunder startles more than one sting.The mouth holds the Yellow River mud, and the air is flying in the corner of the sky.Don't return overnight, leaving many young children.Two birds embrace benevolence and righteousness and feed labor.The chicks fly meandering, and the clouds shout to each other.Although the swallow and finch are small, they feel guilty and sincere.It's hard for a bird to show itself. Fortunately, it's the master's book.惊蛰时节,贾岛记录了一对仁义的雀鸟。它们勤劳捕食,养育着巢中的雏鸟。禽类虽小,却也有德。Jiadao recorded a pair of benevolent birds in the season of waking insects. They hunt industriously and raise their nestlings. Although birds are small, they also have virtue.老去何堪节物催,放灯中夜忽奔雷。
一声大震龙蛇起,蚯蚓虾蟆也出来。The book of the 14th day of the first month of Jiaxu saw the next day's awakening of insectsSong Dynasty: Zhang yuangan
He can save things when he is old, and suddenly thunder runs in the night.With a big earthquake, the dragon and snake started, and the earthworms and toads came out.诗人形象地形容了惊蛰时鸟虫萌动的现象:春雷乍响,龙蛇、蚯蚓、虾蟆都跑出来了。The poet vividly described the phenomenon of birds and insects sprouting when the sting was awakened: the spring thunder sounded suddenly, and dragons, snakes, earthworms and toads ran out.春愁一段来无影。著人似醉昏难醒。
今夜欠添衣。那人知不知。Bodhisattva man spring rainSong Dynasty: Xiao HanjieSpring sorrow has gone for a while. It's hard to wake up when people are drunk.Misty rain wet appendix dry. Apricot flowers sting cold.The spittle pot is about to break. Never call who and.I need more clothes tonight. That man doesn't know.Stinging is the season of spring. It's warm and cold at first. Remember to add clothes.松声夜半如倾瀑,忆坐西斋共不眠。
掩卷有谁知此意,一窗新绿待啼鹃。Poem of returning Yanfeng with Zhengzhong in mindSong Dynasty: Shu YuexiangThe sound of pine is like a waterfall in the middle of the night. I remember sitting in Xizhai and staying awake.After a drum of light thunder startles the insects, the fine screen drizzles and falls on the plum sky.Don't laugh when you want to cross the river, and you are at a loss when you see off the guests.Who knows what this means? A window of new green is waiting for cuckoos to cry.惊蛰雨天,诗人回想与友人共座,一夜未眠。掩卷深思,有谁知我此时所想呢?只有窗边的绿枝等着杜鹃。On a rainy day, the poet recalled sitting with his friends and didn't sleep all night. Who knows what I think at this time? Only the green branches by the window are waiting for the cuckoo.
Mountain House
Song Dynasty: Chen Yunping
The porch windows are open on all sides, and the wind sends sea clouds.
A burst of flower urging rain and several stinging thunder.
Cochlear saliva Ming stone stool, ant array around the mountain platform.
At this time, the clothes were wet and smoked with musk coal.
The insects in the mountains shed flower rain. Ants circle the mountain platform, and their clothes are wet again.
Recalling Qin e
Song Dynasty: Fan Chengda
Floating clouds gather. Light thunder faintly awakens the sting at the beginning.
The first sting. The dove is angry, and the green poplar is in a hurry.
The smoke from the jade stove is fragrant. Brush the wall thick, apricot and swallow branches wet.
Yan Zhishi. The flower tip is absent, and the painting building is erected.
Stinging, light thunder rolling, the wind blowing the poplar. On the small building, in the room, smoking spices, the woman leaned against the building. Who was she thinking of?
"The water dragon sings, the shouzu's father Rui hall awakens the insects on the sun"At present, when the stinging door is first opened, a thunder calls the Green Dragon up.I'm immortal and fierce. I took this to travel around the world.Jade cheeks and silver whiskers, flax, full rice and jiuxia wine.Outside the gate of aiqingqing, thousands of willows are twisted into long wisps.In the seventy-three years of leisure, I read how many things in the world have changed.Acid and alkali chew, now turn to sleep, light in taste.He has been carrying pine and bamboo for more than years, planting orchids and osmanthus.To be seen with Weng, Shangyuan Jiazi, Taiping spring Ji.诗人的亲人惊蛰日过生日,于是写下此诗。七十三年的人间,看尽人生多少兴废,但愿此后余后,共看太平盛景。The poet's relatives celebrated their birthday on Jingzhe day, so they wrote this poem. After seventy-three years of human life, we can see how much prosperity and waste we have in life. I hope we can see the grand scene of peace and prosperity in the rest of the future."Waking the insects at night, the wind and snow fall and startle the sleep"Quick graupel sprinkles the window paper, and the wind turns over the bamboo branches.When I wake up, I feel cold.The tiles are white from dawn, and the flowers return in spring.Old people are thin and weak. They are not bullied by cold.惊蛰下雪了,早起时,雪已把瓦都变白了。诗人感慨:春天来了,花儿也不知道。我又老又瘦,还要被寒风欺。It snowed after waking up. When I got up early, the snow had turned the tiles white. The poet sighed: spring is coming, and the flowers don't know. I'm old and thin, and I have to be bullied by the cold wind.谁负旋乾手,当春起蛰虫。
俗聋谁与破,予欲问丰跂。"The cloud day of the Muke is a work for waking the insects"Ming Dynasty: sun Chengzong
Those who spin their hands dry will sting in spring.Fish and dragons are frightened and lonely, and heaven and earth are happy and Zhaorong.Long house is far away, and the meaning of angxiao is already strong.Who is vulgar deaf and broken? I want to ask Fengyun.来源 | 综合自网络