

Sharks use Earth's magnetic field as a GPS

Humans often find their way around by using a technology system called GPS. This system uses a device to calculate the position of individuals or things from any place on the ground or in the air. Now, scientists have found that some&n

英语美文 A Special Letter 一封特殊的信

Dear World:亲爱的世界:My son starts school today.我的儿子今天就要开始上学读书了。It's going to be strange and new to him for a while, and I wish you would sort of treat him gently.一时之间,他会感觉陌生而又新鲜。我希望你能待他温柔一些。You see, up to now, he's been king of the roost.你明白,到现在

英语文摘悦读:Summer Fun with Family Expressions

In the summer months, we often get together with our family members who live far away. If you listen in as people talk with and about their families, you might hear some interesting expressions.Like many idioms, it is often difficult to understand th

文摘悦读:Just 7 Percent of Our DNA Is Special to Modern Humans

Study: Just 7 Percent of Our DNA Is Special to Modern Humans2021-07-26A new study finds that just seven percent of the genome, or all genes, of modern humans is special to that group. It suggests today's humans are extremely similar genetically t

玩游戏先刷脸?Tencent Uses Facial Recognition on Teenage Gamers

自2019年起,中国设立了“网络禁玩时段”,禁止未成年人在晚上十点至早上八点之间玩游戏。但实际上,一直有未成年人使用父母的设备或身份信息登录游戏,规避限制。为解决这一问题,腾讯公司近日宣布将在游戏中启用人脸识别技术。这一举措引发了广泛争议:支持者认为该技术可以有效防止玩家游戏成瘾,反对者则提出这会带来隐私方面的风险。这项技术的应用究竟会给游戏玩家带来什么?英文原文To Catch Teenage Gamers After Curfew, Chinese Company Deploys Facia

The Road Not Taken 《未选择的路》美国诗人罗伯特•弗罗斯特

人的一生会面临无数抉择。我们需要明确目标,果断地选择自己想要走的那条路,一边前进一边欣赏沿途的风景。可现实是,大部分人都缺乏迈出这一步的勇气,更没有信心面对选择之后所要承担的风险。于是我们犹豫、彷徨、患得患失……站在人生的分岔路口,迟迟不知道应该作何选择。美国诗人罗伯特•弗罗斯特曾写过一首诗The Road Not Taken《未选择的路》,描写了现实生话中人们处在十字路口时难以抉择的心情。鱼和熊掌不可兼得,选择一条路的同时,也就意味着放弃了另外一种可能性。不一样的抉择造就了不尽相同的人生,学会
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