

英语文摘悦读 冲马桶时不合盖 病毒可蹿至1米高处

很多人冲马桶都没有盖上盖子的习惯,殊不知这样做给了病毒传播的便利。扬州大学的研究发现,冲马桶时不合盖,升腾的水雾可达到头部高度,从而可能让人吸入水雾中的病毒。Flushing the toilet with the lid up creates a cloud of spray that can be breathed in and may spread infection, such as coronavirus, say researchers.研究人员称,冲马桶时不盖上盖子,就会吸入马桶上

英语文摘 Future astronauts could travel with emotional support robots

To help astronauts of the future survive the mental challenges that come with residing in space for extended periods of time, space travelers' missions could soon be accompanied by AI-powered, empathetic robotic assistants.Not only does space tra


这只呆萌呆萌的小水獭的梗,你看懂了吗?如果看懂了,那么你一定有很不错的英文功底和幽默细胞。没看懂也没关系,双语君今天就带大家了解一下英文中的双关语(pun)。◆ 什么是双关语?根据牛津词典的定义,双关语是一种“文字游戏”(a play on words),就是用一个词表达两种或多种含义,或是几个单词连起来读时,构成了与另一个意思相同或相似的发音,以达到幽默的效果。The use of a word in such a way as to suggest two or more meanings

一文访遍常春藤盟校 Ivy League,你最中意谁?

美国的常春藤盟校 Ivy League(普林斯顿大学,哈佛大学,耶鲁大学,哥伦比亚大学,宾夕法尼亚大学,达特茅斯学院,布朗大学,康奈尔大学),想必是诸多学子的梦校(dream school)。今天带大家一起“云赏”美国最顶尖的八大藤校~普林斯顿大学普林斯顿大学(Princeton University),是世界著名私立研究型大学,位于美国东海岸新泽西州的普林斯顿市,是美国大学协会的14个始创院校之一,也是著名的常青藤联盟成员。普林斯顿坐落在新泽西州的小镇普林斯顿,位于纽约和费城之间,一直以来都是

英语文摘 Drug to Treat Coronavirus Possible 'Before the Summer'

The European Medicines Agency predicted that there could be drugs to treat the new coronavirus in the next few months. The organization added that a vaccine might be approved in early 2021.Dr. Marco Cavaleri heads the European regulator's vaccine

英语文摘 Voice Controlled Tech to Grow as People Seek 'No Touch' Choices

Governments around the world are turning to scientific research and technology to fight the coronavirus.Experts on technology have begun thinking about what life will be like after the virus is defeated. Some are predicting an increase in demand for
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