

双语阅读 当你的精神世界正遭遇隆冬时节

Every year, nature quietly takes us through a moral lesson that has much to teach us about how we might relate to certain of the more dispiriting and despair-inducing moments in our own development. Beginning in mid-October in the northern hemisphere

Success Is on the Other Side | 成功就在对面

Success Is on the Other Side成功就在对面Everybody wants success. Some people aim for it; others just talk about it. We all know what it looks like, when someone else has it. Oftentimes it just seems like something too far out of reach.每个人都渴望获得成功。有些人一次为目标,而


While there are plenty of factors that go into how attractive you are to mosquitoes, new research has found the colors you’re wearing definitely play a role.很多因素都可能导致你成为“招蚊体质”,但是新研究发现,你穿的衣服颜色也起到了一定作用。That’s the main takeaway from a new study publishe

Learning Is a Laughing Matter

It’s a comedy night at Johns Hopkins University. Members of the university’s Stand-up Comedy Club are performing dialogues, cracking jokes, doing funny moves and face gestures.They might be a little bit nervous at the beginning, but the experience is

Study Suggests Link Between Long Sleep Times, Cognitive Loss

Study Suggests Link Between Long Sleep Times, Cognitive Loss2021-11-16Scientists have long said getting a good night's sleep is important to your health. The U.S. National Institute of Health says lack of sleep may even increase the risk of impai

为什么一拿起书就犯困?The reason reading makes you sleepy

许多人都有睡前读书的习惯,不只是因为他们是书虫,还因为读书的助眠功效实在太赞了。你可曾好奇过,为什么自己一看书就犯困呢?You’ve finally tucked yourself into bed and cracked open the detective novel you’ve been waiting all day to get back to. Three pages later, you’re fighting a losing battle against two sudden
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