

Moving on up

Moving on up《风雨哈佛路》(Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story)是一部经典的励志电影。女主Liz出生在美国的贫民窟里,她的家庭千疮百孔,母亲酗酒还患有精神疾病,父亲进入了收容所,Liz只能靠乞讨来维持生活。Liz慢慢成长,意识到只有读书才能改变自身命运,走出泥潭般的现况。她用最真诚的态度感动了高中的校长,争取到了读书的机会,开始了漫漫的求学路。她一边打工一边上学,仅用两年时间学完了高中四年的课程。最终申请到了《纽约时报》的全额奖学金,进

Great new life can begin anytime

Great new life can begin anytime导读:走在人生路上,你是否常常感到焦虑,甚至觉得自己样样不如人?那么或许你应该看看最近刷屏的这篇“今年听过的最好的演讲”,因为每个人都有着属于自己的人生节奏……Many of us seem to have lives that follow a certain path.我们不少人的人生似乎都遵循着一定的轨迹。From kindergarten all the way to when we get married, every s


【原文标题】This Is How to Define the True Feeling of Success I was having coffee this morning with a dear friend who’s going through a difficult time at work. In one of those moments that make you wonder who’s winding the clock of life, my phone buz

Tiredness may lead to snacking 睡眠不足时零食更有吸引力

Staying up late doing homework is always tiring. And perhaps when we become tired, we feel the need to eat unhealthy snack food. Recently scientists have been investigating tiredness and snack food.According to a study in the Journal of Neuroscience,

Taking on data theft 个人信息保护已列入立法规划

With the rapid development of the digital economy, we can basically do everything online – order food, shop, hail taxis (叫出租车) and even seek health counseling (咨询). But with convenience also comes risks: By handing over data such as our name, home ad

Disney-Pixar’s short film Bao 《包宝宝》讲述中国式亲情

由华裔导演石之予执导的动画片《包宝宝》得到了众多关注,同时也获得了今年的奥斯卡最佳动画短片奖。在影片软萌可爱的画风背后,揭示了一段引人深思的中国式亲子关系……A bowl of soymilk and some baozi, or steamed buns, is a typical Chinese breakfast. Who would have thought that this simple meal would become a leading character in a movie
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