Day 2 阅读范围 (Part 1: Chapter 2 & Chapter 3)
1. In 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, what is the name of the ship that Aronnax is invited to join?
2. How does Aronnax feel about Ned Lands?
1. The interior arrangements of the frigate corresponded to its nautical qualities. I was well satisfied with my cabin, which was in the after-part, opening upon the gun room.
2. They were ever chatting, discussing, and calculating the various chances of a meeting, watching narrowly the vast surface of the ocean.
Further reading to help you develop your understanding of this chapter:
This passage establishes a parallel between Arronax and Conseil: both of them are totally devoted to their work. In Arronax’s case, this means throwing himself into scientific research, whereas for Conseil, it means serving Arronax. In this sense, both their lives are dedicated to scientific research, because Conseil’s servitude makes Arronax’s scientific work possible.
Ned’s comment about the difference between his perspective and that of the general public is crucial. It confirms the sense that to the public, the monster is not a real thing but a figment upon which their fantasies and fears are projected. As someone who spends most of his time among real “monsters” of the ocean, Ned has little need or patience for imaginative speculation.