Day 14 阅读范围 (Part 2: Chapter 4 & Chapter 5)
1. According to Nemo and Arronax, why is it better to travel on a submarine rather than a boat?
2. That evening, the Nautilus passes the Saudi Arabian port city of Jeddah, and Arronax gazes at its buildings. The next day, he is standing with Ned on the platform when Ned points out a “blurry mass” in the distance. What’s the “blurry mass”?
1. What charming hours I passed thus at the window of the saloon! What new specimens of submarine flora and fauna did I admire under the brightness of our electric lantern!
2. At this moment seven men of the crew, mute and immovable as ever, mounted the platform. One carried a harpoon and a line similar to those employed in catching whales.
Further reading to help you develop your understanding of these two chapters:
One of the more curious aspects of the novel is the extent to which it is merely descriptive. Much of the book is devoted to describing the route of the Nautilus or the wildlife Arronax encounters on the way. This is another way in which the novel was strongly influenced by science. Its descriptive technique is rather scientific in nature, even if what is being described is imagined—a good example of the fusing of science and fiction.
This passage encourages the reader to question the purpose of technology. Arronax and Nemo agree that the Nautilus is remarkable and that it is a shame that there isn’t another vessel like it. At the same time, Nemo doesn’t seem too troubled by the idea of keeping the technology he uses secret. To him, the point of technology does not seem to be that it can be replicated and shared by many—rather, he places importance on technology because it enables him to isolate himself from society, explore the undersea world he loves, and continue developing his personal knowledge base.