



D1 1-4 CCBA

D2 1-4 BCDB

D3 1-4 BBDA

D4 1-3 ABC

D5 1. teaching    2. pursuit   3. published   4. composed         5. that/which

6. cultural    7. the      8. as         9. has been reprinted  10. jointly


D1 1-4 CCBA

1. C。从文中第三段可知,Perry想清理水沟,才为此发明了新系统,故答案为C。

2. C。从文中倒数第三段“The curtain would stop the floating trash and then push it toward the shore.”可知,气泡形成的水幕会阻止漂浮的垃圾,故答案为C。

3. B。通读倒数第二段可知,该段主要写了Perry是如何测试新系统的,故答案为B。

4. A。通读全文可知,Perry想处理水沟垃圾,并为此发明了新系统,因此她是有责任感的,有创造力的,故答案为A。

D2 1-4 BCDB

1. B。根据文章“She now wants to be a facilitator (推动者) to bridge communication and cooperation across the Straits.”可知,Zheng Yaling想成为海峡两岸沟通合作的桥梁,故答案为B。

2. C。根据文章“He explained that young people on the mainland were constantly competing with each other and striving for better grades, bigger prizes and a brighter future. But when they face difficulties, they unite and achieve much together.”可知,最令Lin Hanting印象深刻的是年轻人之间的团结,故答案为C。

3. D。根据文章“This “link” was particularly tight when the COVID-19 pandemic broke out in Wuhan. When food supply was short during quarantine (隔离), it was people from the Hubei Federation of Taiwan Compatriots who went to her home with rice, noodles and cooking oil. That really helped her get through those difficult times.”可知,Chen Simo对两岸的“联结”心怀感恩,故答案为D。

4. B。根据文章“Though the trips were short, they sparked Zhang’s interest in the mainland.”可知,两次旅行激发了Zhang Enshuo对大陆的兴趣,故选B。

D3 1-4 BBDA

1. B。根据文章第二段“Zombie ice is the kind of ice that is still attached to thicker areas of ice, but is no longer getting fed by larger glaciers. Since glaciers are getting less snow to complement the amount of ice melted, once the zombie ice is melted, it cannot be re-formed.”可知,“僵尸冰”会融化消失,故本题选B。

2. B。文章第三段主要介绍了“僵尸冰”不会再重新形成的原因,故本题选B。

3. D。根据文章最后一段“While investors are taking advantage of global warming, experts express their concerns that the mineral exploration is likely to worsen the local environment, draining (榨干) up the world’s resources at a faster rate.”可知,专家担心矿产勘探会恶化当地环境,故选D。

4. A。通读全文可知,文章的主要目的是报道关于格陵兰岛“僵尸冰”融化的研究,故选A。

D4 1-3 ABC

1. A。从文章第3段“The lettuce had unfurled a first small leaf from its heart.”以及后文可知,最初让作者感到惊讶的是生菜长出的一个小叶片,故答案为A。

2. B。从文章第4段“If I were a lettuce in a similar condition, I’d want to assess where I found myself before committing to full growth.”可知,作者认为如果他身处和他的生菜类似的情况下,他在努力生长之前会先评估自己的状况,故答案为B。 

3. C。综合全文可知,作者从即使遍体鳞伤、环境条件恶劣也努力生长的生菜身上学到的是,永远不要害怕重新开始、要无畏地面对人生,故答案为C。



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