


Some people are always envious of the colorful lives of others, and lament that their lives are plain and ordinary.Rather than envy others, it is better to try to make yourself an interesting person. A truly interesting life does not need to be piled


When it's time to recharge, don't be anxious to get ahead; when it's time to work hard, don't try to make a blockbuster; when it's time to sharpen your mind, don't ask for sudden enlightenment.The more solid your foundation is


Nothing can be achieved without taking action.As long as you are willing to go, there must be a way lying in front of you.The reason why you couldn't get the fantastic results is that you haven't stuck to what you have chosen to do.The most i

yyds, nbcs, hhh都是什么意思?如何翻译?

果然是互联网时代两天不上网就掉队了,说老实话,看到yyds这个缩写,第一反应是:英语大神......如今的社交“黑话”造词方式有很多,包括拼音缩写、粤语、英语、日语缩写,还有高难度的拼音和英文字母混搭缩写等等。今天咱们就来看几个网络常用的缩略词↓yyds最近很火的一个当属yyds,可以说是网络俚语的扛把子,以迅雷不及掩耳之势占据了网络。yyds就是“永远滴神”的拼音缩写,我们经常能在弹幕里看到,英文中也有表意相近的缩略词:GOAT。GOAT是“the greatest of all time”的


108集英文动画《Journey to the west》,也就是西游记的英文版。《Journey to the west》是由韩国一个通过动画故事来进行英语教育的专业少儿英语教育公司Little Fox制作的,每集时长5-7分钟,一集讲述一个故事,故事都是基于原著。英文动画版《西游记》第001-003集英文动画版《西游记》第004-006集英文动画版《西游记》第007-009集英文动画版《西游记》第010-012集英文动画版《西游记》第013-015集英文动画版《西游记》第016-018集英文


If one person's effort is  addition,a team's effort is multiplication!  Running on the road of life does not lie in an instantaneous explosion,but depends on the persistence on the way!Even if you have thousands of reasons to give u
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