

buy time不是“买时间”,buy the farm也不是“买农场”

双十一又到了,又到了买买买的季节。不知道你今年的购物车里都有哪些宝贝呢?说起买东西,大家都知道英语是buy something。但需要注意的是,并不是所有buy××的短语都是“买”的意思哦~毕竟不是万物皆可买!比如金钱就买不来时间,但有个短语是buy time,又是什么意思呢?一起学习一下吧~buy timebuy除了“买”,还有“获得,赢得”的意思。因此buy time并不是“买时间”,而是“争取时间,拖延时间”。例句:Many feel that these latest negotiati

“dog watch”千万不要翻译为“狗在看”!理解错可闹笑话了

好友突然发了个短信:“今晚我要 dog watch”!dog watch?是“狗在看”的意思吗?图片这个经常被外国人挂在嘴边的词,究竟是什么意思呢?01dog watch 夜班其实,在《柯林斯词典》里,就有关于“dog watch”的解释哦:either of two two-hour watches aboard ship, from four to six p.m. or from six to eight p.m.“在船上的两个值班时间,从16点到18点,或者是从18点到20点”。原来,“

"You're a fat cat"意思是"你是只肥猫"?理解错误会可大了!

      当有人说“You're a fat cat.”,难道是嫌我胖?说我像肥猫?其实真不是!“You're a fat cat ”在美国俚语中,a fat cat并不是形容身(ti)材(zhong),fat cat是老外常用的俚语,形容像领导这种有钱、有势的人,也可以理解为大亨、大款、阔佬,fat cat bosses/directors 就是:有财有势的老板/董事例句:①The report criticized boardroom fat

“做午餐”的英语不是“do lunch”!说错就尴尬了!

有些同学以为Do是“做”的意思,Lunch是“午餐”,do lunch 就是“做午餐”喽?!这样理解可就糗大了!其实,do+早/午/晚饭(或者某种食物)意思是:共进,一起享用!Do lunch 共进午餐Let's do lunch 让我们共进午餐吧做午餐通常用 make lunch, 或者用 cook lunch。说到午餐,还有个比较容易出错的短语,out to lunch, 这可不是出去吃午餐的意思,out to l

Don't say no to every opportunity!

We all have heard of the fairy tale of the frog prince, but before you find the very frog which can be transformed into a prince,you have to kiss a lot of other frogs. Only after you have given them a kiss will you know whether they can be turned int


Since you don't want to make progress all day, idling around without slightlest goal,you don't need to dream heroic dreams and just be content to be mediocre.There's no such thing that you can enjoy a bright future without puting in any e
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