近日,先后播出的两档选秀节目在社交媒体上可谓刷足了存在感,人们在关注新时代女团模式和艺人成长的同时,有关选手颜值、妆容和个人风格的话题也得到了广泛关注。网络上不乏“某某没长在 Ta 的审美上”、“谁谁该减肥了”或者“妆容也太不适合了”之类言辞犀利甚至刻薄的评论,很多人似乎对所谓“美”产生了某种近乎顽固的刻板印象。今天的这篇文章,作者介绍了一个“丑妆”的概念,什么是丑妆?丑妆真的丑吗?它又是如何刷新人们对美的定义的?
如何理解 garner 这个词?
Ugly makeup: thetrend highlightingwhat's beyondconventionalbeauty
In 2018, Rosanna Meikle feltlike a failure. She was toilingthrough beauty school, andshe hadn't been able to garnermuch attention for hercreations online. She wasexhausted from the samenessshe saw around her, "a sea ofbeautiful girls, smoky eyes andplumped lips", she remembers.
2018 年的时候,罗莎娜·梅克尔觉得自己很失败。当时,她还在美妆学院里苦苦修炼,还没有靠发在网上的作品获得多少关注度。她对身边的千篇一律感到精疲力竭,“周围美女如云,个个都是烟熏妆、嘟嘟唇”,她这样回忆道。
So she decided to trysomething totally different. One day, she created "a mess". For an assignment, shepainted her model with black, aggressive scribbles, greencartoonish snakes, blurryorange lips and spiky, Twiggy-esque lashes.
Meikle didn't realize it at thetime, but she was joining amovement that has beenslowly gaining momentum — the ugly makeup revolution, aterm coined by the Berlin-based makeup artist andactivist Eszter Magyar.
"It’s not about ugliness," Magyar says. "It’s aboutirregularity."
This irregularity goes againstwhat we're accustomed ofseeing on social media. Overthe past five years, a "selfieface" has emerged: pursed lips, big, wide-open eyes, andfeature-enhancing makeupapplied just so. Ugly makeupchallenges this status quo.
While strangeness can be verysexy, the purpose isn't to besexy. The purpose is to pleasethe wearer. "To look atsomething ugly, and realize itunexpectedly pleases you, is arather precious moment thatforces us to reconsider theconfines of what we deemnecessary for something to bebeautiful," says Julia Lee, a 24-year-old designer who lives inSingapore.
尽管奇异的丑妆可以很性感,但丑妆的目的并不是追求性感,而是取悦戴妆者本人。“看到某个丑丑的东西,却意外地发现它能够取悦你自己,这个瞬间可以说无比珍贵;它会迫使我们重新考虑美的“界限”——‘我们认为的美是有着必要条件的’。”24 岁的新加坡设计师朱莉亚·李这样说道。
Ugly exists for ugly's sake. It'san underrated aesthetic, onethat more people shouldembrace.