Chapter 1&2
What’s the name of the black mountain?
Why did Jade Dragon turn herself into the Jade River?
Why did Minli buy the goldfish?
翻译She had glossy black hair with pink cheeks, shining eyes always eager for adventure, and a fast smile that flashed from her face.
Every time Ba told the story, she couldn’t help think how wonderful it would be to have the mountain blooming with fruit and flowers, bringing richness to their needy village.
The mud stuck to their feet like glue and each seedling had to be painstakingly planted by hand.
“Minli,” one neighbor said, “don’t believe his impossible talk. A goldfish won’t bring fortune. Save your money.” 贫瘠的无果山村,小女孩敏俐每次听到妈妈的叹息,就会想改变自己家庭贫穷的命运。当她听说goldfish 可以给家里带来财富时,面对周围邻居的劝说与不解,她也毫不犹豫买了下来。对此,你作何感想呢?