Coronavirus Wrecked Tesla’s Momentum and Elon Musk Is Furious
By Niraj Chokshi
A few months ago, everything seemed to be going Elon Musk’s way, as he presided over an upstart electric car company that was worth more than General Motors, Ford Motor and Fiat Chrysler combined.
And his other business, SpaceX, was poised to become the first to ferry NASA astronauts to orbit from American soil since 2011, a trip scheduled for the end of this month.
But the coronavirus set Mr. Musk off. Society’s response to the pandemic was “dumb” and a “panic,” he said, arguing that the threat is overstated. And government stay-at-home orders were, in his view, unnecessarily stalling his plans to revolutionize the auto industry and help solve climate change. He attacked local officials in the Bay Area for not letting him reopen Tesla’s factory, which he did this week anyway, in defiance of their instructions.
His latest attacks and statements have raised questions about Tesla’s financial health and his own judgment, but they also reflect a recognition of the influence he wields as one of the technology industry’s best-known iconoclasts.
1.furious UK /ˈfjʊəriəs/ US /ˈfʊriəs/ adj. 暴怒的,狂怒的(very angry)
2.momentum UK /məˈmentəm/ US /məˈmentəm/ n. 动量;势头(the ability to keep increasing, developing, or being more successful) gain/gather momentum 取得/积蓄起某种势头/势能
3.wreck UK /rek/ US /rek/ n. 严重损毁的车/飞机等(尤指在事故中)vt. 船舶失事沉没;毁坏,破坏 treasure from wrecks 沉船上的珍宝
The blast wrecked 100 houses.
4.Ford Motor 福特汽车公司 其创始人福特是世界上标准化造车的先驱,福特T型车成为世界上第一款量产车。
5.General Motors 通用汽车 美国本土最大的汽车企业,曾为全世界最大的汽车公司。
6.upstart UK /ˈʌpstɑːt/ US /ˈʌpstɑːrt/ adj. 突然出现的,突然变显赫的 n. 自命不凡的新贵;暴发户(someone who behaves as if they were more important than they really are and who shows a lack of respect towards people who are more experienced or older) startup n. 创业企业,初创公司
7.everything is going one’s way 一切都是按照某人的路子在走
8.Fiat Chrysler 菲亚特克莱斯勒汽车公司
9.preside over/at 主持…… preside vi. 主持,主导(会议);担任(主席),执掌/负责(某机构)
The Prime Minister will preside over/at an emergency cabinet meeting.
Zhangsan presided over the company for over 30 years.
10.soil UK /sɔɪl/ US /sɔɪl/ n. 领土,国土(a country or an area of land)
11.orbit UK /ˈɔːbɪt/ US /ˈɔːrbɪt/ vi. 绕轨道运行
12.ferry UK /ˈferi/ US /ˈferi/ vt. 轮渡,摆渡;运送(carry)
13.be poised to do sth. 整装待发,做好准备的(completely ready to do sth.or for sth. to happen when it is likely to happen soon) poise v. 保持(某种姿势)
14.SpaceX 太空探索技术公司 美国一家民营航天制造商和太空运输公司
15.in defiance of 不顾/违背…… defy v. 违反,违背
disregard v. 不管不顾,违反
16.the Bay Area 湾区 旧金山湾(San Francisco Bay)及其周边的郡县,统称为湾区。斯坦福大学、加州大学伯克利分校、硅谷都坐落于此,号称美国高科技的发动机,是美国平均收入和房价最高的地方。
17.revolutionize UK /ˌrevəˈluːʃənaɪz/ US /ˌrevəˈluːʃənaɪz/ vt. 革命化,给……带来变革 revolution n. 革命
18.stall UK /stɔːl/ US /stɑːl/ n. 牛棚;马厩 vt. 拖累,拖延(to make sb. wait or stop sth. from happening until you are ready) 近义词:delay
19.overstate UK /ˌəʊvəˈsteɪt/ US /ˌoʊvərˈsteɪt/ vt. 夸张/夸大的叙述(to talk about sth. in a way that makes it seem more important, serious etc than it really is)
20.dumb UK /dʌm/ US /dʌm/ adj. 没有说话能力的,哑的;笨的,愚蠢的
21.set sb. off 引起人们的举止/情绪(to make sb. start laughing, crying, or talking about sth.) Don’t mention what happened – you’ll only set her off again.
trigger sb.’s emotion 触发某人的情绪
annoy sb. 使某人感到懊恼,不爽
22.iconoclast UK /aɪˈkɒnəklæst/ US /aɪˈkɑːnəklæst/ n. 圣像破坏者;对传统制度/现有信仰/理论进行攻击的人 icon n. 符号;偶像;圣像
23.wield UK /wiːld/ US /wiːld/ vt. 运用,支配,行使(to have and be able to use power of influence)
24.raise questions 引起/引发问题(bring about questions)