1. He jumped for fun. (高兴得跳了起来)
2.1 was wild with joy. (欣喜若狂)
3. Her face brightened up. (她喜形于色)
4. Joy welled up inside her. (喜悦涌上她的心头)
5. He is very happy and sweet. (又高兴又甜蜜)
6. I am too happy to stand faint! (幸福得昏倒了)
7. I'm in a good mood today, (心情很好)
8. Laughter lingered around the room. (笑声在房间里回荡)
9. His eyes twinkled with pleasure. (他高兴得两服闪闪发光)
10. I was pleased beyond description. (喜不胜言)
11. She wore a shining smile on her face. (脸上带着灿烂的笑容)
12. Her smile lit up the whole room. (她的微笑照亮了整个房间)
13. She shed tears of joy. (高兴得流下了眼泪)
14. She wan overflowing with happiness. (满心欢喜)
15. Amusement gleamed in his eyes. (他眼睛里露出愉悦的神情)
1. She was burning with anger. (怒火中烧)
2. He was in a rage. (他大发雷霆)
3. Her face was red with anger, (她园 为发怒脸涨得通红)
4. His anger boiled over. (他勃然大怒)
5. He could hardly/scarcely contain his rage. (几乎控制不住他的愤怒)
6. His voice trembled with anger. (他气得声音发抖)
7. He gave me a look of burning anger. (他愤怒地看了我一眼)
8. He flared up at the word. (勃然大怒)
9. His face clouded with anger. (他气得脸色阴沉)
10.1 felt my blood boil. (我火冒三丈)
11. He stamped his feet in anger. (气得跺脚)
12. She got up in a ruge and stormed out. (一怒之下)
13.I felt a wave of anger sweep over me. (愤怒向戕袭来)
14.I have had enough of him. (受够了)
15. His wife glowered at him. (怒旧而视)
1. He looks so sad. (看起来很悲伤)
2. The tears broke free. (泪水夺眶而出)
3. Tears blurred her eyes. (泪水模糊了她的双眼)
4. The news depressed her. (这 个消息使她沮丧)
5. He is no stranger to sorrow. ( 生活在悲伤中)
6. I have a splitting headache. (头痛欲裂)
7. I feel down in the dumps. (情绪低落)
8. I tried to fight back tears. (强忍住泪水)
9. She was on the verge of tears. (几乎要哭了)
10. My eyes were filled with tears. (我的眼里充满了泪水)
11. They were immersed in sorrow. (沉浸在悲痛之中)
12. These days he was in low spirits. (情绪低落)
13.He wore a gloomy expression. (阴沉着脸)
14.I feel a strong sense of loss. (强烈的失落感)
15.A wave of pain ran over him. (一阵痛楚袭上他的心头)
1. Terror gripped me. (恐怖笼罩着我)
2. I'm scared stiff. (吓得我动都不敢动)
3. 1 shook with fear/ terror. (因害怕/恐惧而发抖)
4. She was choked by fear. (吓得透不过气来)
5. She was half dead with fear. (吓得半死)
6. Her eyes were wide with horror. (她吓得睁大了眼睛)
7. Her face was ghostly pale with fright. (她吓得面色惨白)
8. It made me jump out of my skin. (吓得魂不附体)
9. She has a worried look for unsatisfactory grades. (神情焦虑)
10. A wave of panic/terror flooded/swept over me. (一阵恐惧向我袭来)
11. I walked up the stairs with my knees trembling. (我的膝盖在颤抖)
12. The thought of growing old fills me with dread. (使我充满恐惧)
13. Billy's eyebrows knitted together. (眉毛皱在一起)
14. A chill went up his back as he turned around in fear. (他背后袭来一阵寒意)
15. My heart sank and my mind was flooded wih conflicting thoughts. (我满脑子都是矛盾的想法)