According to the story, what kind of person is the Old Man of the Moon?
Who will become the wife of the magistrate’s son?
Which river haven’t the goldfish swum?
翻译The magistrate was harsh with his subordinates, ruthless to his enemies, and pitiless to his people.
Right now she is wrapped in a blue blanket embroidered with white rabbits, sitting on the lap of her blind grandmother in front of her house.
It was late. The village was quietly asleep and the stars above filled the sky like spilled salt on dried seaweed.
Ma’s words echoed in her ears and when she closed her eyes she saw Ba’s hand, shaking
from hard work, feeding the goldfish. 因此,Minli作出了怎么样的决定呢?从中可以看出她是一个怎么样的女孩子呢?