Why did Minli think that she had made the right decision?
When they went by the Village of Moon Rain, what did Amah shout?
Why did the dragon act out of the ordinary?
A stinging wind blew in a silver mist and the cold rock was hard and unyielding. Still the dragon waited.
The wind seemed to join their whoop of laughter and sweep them up into the sky as the dragon flew for the first time.
The Inner City and Outer City grids looked like a giant labyrinth, and the two stone guardians looked as if they were dog trinkets molded from clay.
Fortune was not a house full of gold and jade, but something much more. Minli 一路走来,就像唐僧西天取经一样,最终发现,她想要的fortune自己内心已经有了答案,现在,请你谈谈你对fortune的理解吧!