Day 16 阅读范围 (Part 2: Chapter 8 & Chapter 9)
1. For the first time, Ned comes into Arronax’s cabin, looking despondent and not saying a word. Then, what does Ned talk about with Arronax?
2. Looking around the submarine, Arronax finds himself in tears. Why is Arronax horrified at the prospect of leaving?
1. The Nautilus was piercing the water with its sharp spur, after having accomplished nearly ten thousand leagues in three months and a half, a distance greater than the great circle of the earth.
2. Arrived at the robing-room, I saw that neither of my companions nor any of the ship’s crew were to follow us on this excursion.
Further reading to help you develop your understanding of these two chapters:
Ned is described as both a simpler and bolder person than Arronax, and this is why he remains so determined to escape even when the odds don’t look good. Yet to some extent, Ned’s commitment to freedom at whatever cost ends up looking much more admirable than Arronax’s patient timidity.
This passage explores the surprising intensity of Arronax’s passion for research. He cares so much about science that he is strongly considering giving up his own personal freedom, as well as everything he holds dear back on land, in order to continue his observation of the oceans. This is even more surprising considering it seems unlikely he would ever be able to share his research with the world if he does stay on the Nautilus.